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Duke Albada Blog5 Brewarrina Sunset plain 540x360
Duke Albada Blog5 Brewarrina Sunset plain 540x360

Trip Blog 5 (by Duke Albada)

Ngunnhu : fish traps at Brewarrina

These days, as in immemorial times, people tend to flock to places where food is a plenty. Such one place is the Ngunnhu (fish traps) at Brewarrina. A stretch of 500m various dry stone wall ponds showcases knowledge of river hydrology and fish ecology. Though in the Ngemba nation, this location has always been a very important gathering site for many language groups. And still the spirit of this place is strong

Hence I stay a little longer at the Barwon River and explore the regions diverse cultivation, wildlife and historic significance. Moving between the "renowned for fishing" bush campsite alongside the river to the historic fish traps, canola farmland, the plains and the township. This was one of the few places where the wider landscape features as much in my footage as close up details.

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