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NRCG EOFY Donations 2024
NRCG EOFY Donations 2024

Donate to NRCG this EOFY

As we approach the end of financial year, we are reaching out to ask for your support and make a tax-deductable donation to the Gallery & Ignite Studios.

With your donation, we can:

• develop new programs and exhibitions
• create new initiatives and opportunities for local artists
• produce engaging arts and cultural activities
• deliver funded residencies for visiting or regional artists

Make a difference in your community by supporting NRCG & Ignite Studios work towards a vibrant future that supports creativity, inspiration, and connection.

All donations of $2 or more are tax deductable! Donate before the EOFY on 30 June 2024.

NRCG is endorsed with ‘deductible gift recipient’ status through the Australian Taxation Office and all donations of $2 or more are tax deductible. A tax-invoice will be emailed on completion of the online payment.
(ABN 53 929 887 369).


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